Privacy Policy

Before using our website, please be sure to read and thoroughly understand this statement. If you have any questions or queries regarding this statement, please inquire through the contact information provided on the website.

NIP Group Statement on Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the NIP Group website (hereinafter referred to as the "Company" or "we/us/our"). And thank you for your trust in the NIP Group. We value your privacy very much.

For such purpose, we have formulated this NIP Group Personal Information Protection Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") for you to better understand how we collect, store, use, share, transfer, disclose publicly, and delete your personal information, as well as your rights under the Policy. Please read this Policy carefully and make choices as you deem appropriate in accordance with the guidelines thereof. A thorough reading of this Policy with complete understanding and your consent hereto is necessary before you use our products and services. If you do not agree to any content under the Policy, please immediately cease using our products and services.

1. Personal information we collect

When you access products and services provided by the Company, we will collect personal information that you voluntarily provide or is generated by your usage of our services as in the following stated manners. You have the right to decide what personal information you consent to provide; if you decide otherwise, you might be restricted from accessing services you might need, or consequently, your problems may not be responded to or properly addressed.

1.1 Information you may voluntarily provide

1.1.1 If you are willing to engage in relevant activities or surveys by questionnaire initiated by the Company, you may have to provide additional basic information about yourself, your education and career, including gender, occupation, sector/industry, personal interests, behaviors and habits when playing games, as this information and feedback will help us better understand our operation and improve our services and presentations. We will seek your authorization before inviting you to these events. If you decide not to provide such information, you may be unable to participate in the event. Nevertheless, it will not undermine your use of other functions on the web page.

1.1.2 If you access functions such as communication and interaction (host recruitment, etc.) and contacts (email, phone, etc.) in our products or services, you may have to provide your personal information. We will collect and record your information as stated above to provide services and keep historical records. Please note that information you upload or post in the public domain, including sensitive information, could be collected and used by others. Your caution is required in such cases to safeguard your personal and property safety. The lack of your consent to collecting such information would deny you access to certain functions and services without compromising the rest of the functions on our website.

1.2 Information we obtain during your use of services

The following information will be collected when you are browsing the Company's website to maintain basic business functions and ensure a high-quality browsing experience:


For example, when you browse our website, we might collect information on your device, software and service log to ensure safety and stability in website operation.


For example, when you browse the web page on a mobile terminal, we may record the location of your device.

Information you or other users provide when using functions on the web page may include your geographic location.

GPS location is sensitive personal information. If you refuse to provide such information, it will not undermine the accessibility of other functions on the website, as only functions related to the geographic location might be concerned.

Other information

When you use the communication and interaction function to interact with our contact person or require other user responses, we may require your corresponding personal information and collect information as you provide, which may include personal sensitive information to protect your personal and property safety. Your caution in this respect is most appreciated. Your decline might prevent you from using corresponding functions, whereas other functions on the website will still be available.

1.3 Exceptions of authorized consent. According to relevant laws, regulations and national standards, we may collect and use your personal information without asking for your authorization and consent in the following situations:

1.3.1 Related to the Company's performance of obligations as stipulated by laws and regulations;

1.3.2 Directly related to national security, national defense security, public safety, public health, public cyber-security, governance of network environment, and major public interests;

1.3.3 Directly related to a criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;

1.3.4 When your consent is hardly available in the case when we have to protect your or other people's life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests;

1.3.5 Personal information involved is disclosed to the public by yourself;

1.3.6 Information necessary for entering into and establishing a contract at your request;

1.3.7 Your personal information collected from sources of legal disclosure, such as legitimate news reports and government's disclosed information; and information that is necessary for legitimate news reports;

1.3.8 Information necessary to maintain safety, quality and stable operation of products or services and to prevent behaviors that endanger operational safety;

1.3.9 Information necessary for statistical or academic research for the benefit of the public; and desensitized personal information provided as in the results of academic research or any description of results to the outside world;

Z1.3.10 Other circumstances as stipulated by laws and regulations.


2. How we use technology to collect data

We have not yet collected user's personal data with collection tools or technologies, except in scenarios to improve website quality and enhance browsing experience when we may collect and analyze raw data on browsing at backstage, including IP, location, and other basic information, which would not endanger your privacy at all unless such information is being thoroughly analyzed.

3. How we store personal information

The personal information you voluntarily provide will be properly reserved under the requirements of relevant laws and regulations and in line with the principle of minimizing the storage duration.

All your personal information will be stored within the People's Republic of China territory as the Company does not make personal information available overseas for now. If such transfer of personal information overseas is required in the future, the Company would act according to national laws and regulations in completing formalities and explicitly informing you of the purpose, receiver, and security measures for the personal information concerned and obtaining your consent separately.

4. How we protect your personal information

4.1 We have adopted standard security measures to protect personal information, preventing unauthorized access, public disclosure, use, modification, damage or loss of data.

4.2 Your personal data under strict control and management will only be accessible to employees and partners of companies and affiliated parties of the above companies that are required to access such information. We also require all persons who may have access to your personal information to fulfill confidentiality obligations correspondingly.

4.3 In cyberspace, whose security can't be guaranteed where communications via email, instant messaging, and social media platforms are not encrypted, we highly recommend complicated passwords and password resets from time to time and your close attention to protecting your personal information.

4.4 We will do our best to ensure the security of the information you provide. We will be correspondingly and legally liable for unauthorized access, public disclosure, tampering with or damage of information due to malicious damage to our physical, technical, or protection facilities, which undermines your legal interests and rights.

4.5 In any unfortunate scenario of a security incident where personal information is involved, we will promptly inform you under the requirements of laws and regulations of the situation and possible impact, disposal measures we have taken or will adopt, and suggestions for self-prevention and risk reduction, as well as remedies etc., via email, correspondence, phone call, notification, etc. A properly-drafted public announcement will be released to effectively reach out to those concerned when it is difficult to inform all users individually. In the meanwhile, we will also actively report how such an incident is handled according to the requirements of the regulatory authorities.

5. How we use your personal information

We will properly use your personal information within the scope covered by this provision and fully respect the user's right to choose independently. Suppose the usage of your personal information exceeds the purposes which are stated when data is collected. In that case, we will notify you and obtain your authorization and consent prior to the usage.

5.1 We may collect and use the information for the following purposes:

5.1.1 Provide various functions and services on the website;

5.1.2 For the purposes of customer service, security precaution, fraud detection, archiving and backup to ensure the security of services we provide;

5.1.3 Make statistics when users are browsing our website to show the overall usage trend of services; statistics concerned do not reveal your identity;

5.1.4 Evaluate and improve information display and interaction on our website;

5.1.5 Software certification, management and upgrading;

5.1.6 Invite you to participate in surveys about our services.

5.2 Announcements in respect of services that might be sent to you in case of any changes to our services might not be canceled or restricted for their service-related and non-promotional nature.

5.3 Information will only be collected for purposes stated under this Policy. Otherwise, if the collected personal information is used not in line with the claimed purposes, its direct or reasonable scope, we will notify you again and obtain your express consent prior to using your personal information.

6. How we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information

6.1 Sharing We may share your personal information with third parties to enable business functions. We will only share required information for legal, just, necessary, specific and explicit purposes. In such sharing, we will enter an agreement to strictly restrain any third parties from using your personal information and ensure that any third parties can process your personal information only when acting under our requirements, adhering to this Policy and taking confidential measures. Furthermore, we will also apply efficient technologies to protect your personal information in the usage process and desensitize your personal information in shared content as much as possible. You understand and consent that desensitized information which can't identify or relate to you is not personal information recognized by law. Therefore, its processing, usage, sharing and transfer do not require your authorization and consent.

Currently, we need to share your personal information in the following situation:

Your personal information may be shared within our Company in necessary scenarios to provide proper products and consistent services via the Company's unified account system.

6.2 Transfer

We will not transfer your personal information to any other company, organization or individual except in the following scenarios:

6.2.1 In particular circumstances, we will transfer your personal information to other parties after obtaining your explicit authorization and consent;

6.2.2 Merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation might require transferring your personal information. In such cases, we will require the new Company or organization that holds your information to be bound by this Policy. Otherwise, we will require such a company or organization to re-seek your authorization and consent.

6.3 Public disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal information under the following circumstances:

6.3.1 With your explicit authorization and consent;

6.3.2 Prize-winning disclosure: For example, when the list of winners is released, we would desensitize and disclose the winner's mobile phone number or login account;

6.3.3 Disclosure based on law: We may publicly disclose your personal information as required by laws, legal procedures, lawsuits or mandatory requirements of the government authorities;

6.4 Exceptions to obtaining prior authorization and consent to sharing, transferring, and publicly disclosing your personal information. According to relevant laws and regulations, we do not need to obtain your prior authorization and consent to share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information in the following situations:

6.4.1 Related to the Company's fulfillment of obligations as stipulated by laws and regulations;

6.4.2 Directly related to national security and national defense security;

6.4.3 Directly related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

6.4.4 Directly related to a criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgment;

6.4.5 When your consent is hardly available in the case when we have to protect your or other people's life, property and other major legitimate rights and interests;

6.4.6 Disclosure of your personal information to the public by yourself;

6.4.7 Your personal information is collected from sources of legal disclosure, such as legitimate news reports and government's disclosed information, and information necessary for legitimate news reports.

7. Reminders for minors accessing services

The Company greatly values the protection of minors' personal information. Minors under 18 cannot fully experience some functions of the website without consent from their legal guardians.

7.1 Personal information of minors collected upon the consent of their legal guardians will only be used or disclosed publicly when permitted by law, with the explicit consent of the legal guardian or when necessary for the protection of minors.

7.2 Any personal information of minors, if collected without the Company's prior consent of a verifiable legal guardian, will be deleted as soon as possible and as much as possible.

8. Scope of application, changes and exceptions to this Policy

8.1 Scope of application
This Policy applies to network services provided by the Company. In your usage of any website services we provide, if a single service contains a specific privacy policy, we will specify the privacy policy corresponding to the single product or service ("Specific Policy") and describe how we use your personal information in such services with details. This Specific Policy constitutes part of this Policy and is effective in tandem with this Policy. If there is any inconsistency between the Specific Policy and this Policy, the Specific Policy shall prevail within the constraints thereof.

8.2 Changes to this Policy

When there are changes and revisions to this Policy as a result of an adjustment of the Company's business and relevant policies, we will remind you to read the updates in pop-up windows on the web page before the revision thereof takes effect to protect your rights to know. We would require your consent again to any substantial changes or revisions to this Policy which might substantially narrow your rights under this Policy, including but not limited to:

8.2.1 Major changes to our service models, such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information processed, the way personal information is used, etc.;

8.2.2 Major changes in our ownership and organizational structure, etc., such as changes in owners following business adjustments, bankruptcy & merger, etc.;

8.2.3 Our primary recipients of sharing, transferring or public disclosure of personal information are changed;

8.2.4 When there are substantial changes in your rights to participate in the processing of personal information and in the way how you exercise these rights;

8.2.5 When our competent departments, their contacts and complaint channels for handling personal information security change.

8.3 Applicable exceptions

Notwithstanding links to third parties enabled on our web page to support your access to third-party services or websites, we ask for your special attention to such services provided by third-party operators. And please read carefully privacy policy guidelines from third parties thereof to protect your legitimate rights and interests.

9. Contact us

Please reach out to us by contact information available on the website if you have any questions, comments or suggestions.